The Top 10 worst foods
for your teeth
The Top 10 worst
foods for your teeth
Here’s my list! It’s not perfect and of course there are many more, they just didn’t make the top 10 cut for me. From my personal experience of what I’ve seen at my office, these are the absolute worst… so while I’m not saying to cut them out completely (I like candy A LOT too, especially the sour ones), I’m just suggesting we try to be conscious of the amount and frequency with which we consume them.
1. Candy – I know everyone is saying captain obvious here, but this one had to be listed.
2. Soda – there’s actually a condition known as “Mountain Dew Mouth”, look it up!
3. Citrus/Lemon- the acidity can do some serious damage and erode the enamel off your teeth a little at a time. Lemon suckers beware!
4. Almonds- crack teeth all the time- they are sneaky when mixed in salads so be careful!
5. Potato chips
6. Dried Fruit - high sugar and super sticky. You have to brush real well after this because it is super challenging to clean well.
7. Alcohol
8. Ice- chip or crack teeth and can increase sensitivity.
9. Popcorn- be careful with kernels! If you like the caramel coated ones, that’s double the trouble
9. Energy drinks – sugars galore
In conclusion, while its okay to enjoy these foods in moderation, it’s important to be mindful of their potential impact on your teeth. Additionally, brushing and flossing regularly, as well as visiting your dentist for regular check-ups, can help keep your teeth healthy and strong.
Stay Flossing, Alejandro Piedra, DMD
Stay Flossing,
Alejandro Piedra, DMD
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